SCH Number 2012092044

Project Info

Evergreen Road at South Fork Cottonwood Creek Bridge Project
The Project is limited to a subsurface geotechnical investigation at two boring locations. The two in-channel sites are the proposed pier locations for the future Evergreen Road Bridge. The depth of the bores will be approximately 100 feet with a diameter of 4 inches. The bores will be sealed with cement grout to within (5) feet of the surface then backfilled with drill spoils (the natural creek cobble).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Tehama County Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0177-R1
Tehama County Evergreen Road at South Fork Cottonwood Creek Bridge Project
Tehama County Evergreen Road at South Fork Cottonwood Creek Bridge Project