SCH Number 2011122034

Project Info

North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan Project
Codding Enterprises submitted a development application to the City for the review and approval of a 49,862 square-foot retail establishment and a 2,480-square-foot frontage building near Coddingtown Mall. This development would be occupied by Dick's Sporting Goods and a tenant in the frontage building yet to be identified. The Project site, owned by Codding, is located within the boundaries of the North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan (Specific Plan). The CEQA Checklist determined that this project is within scopes of the Specific Plan EIR, certified by the Santa Rosa City Council on September 18, 2012.
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City of Santa Rosa Dick's Sporting Goods
City of Santa Rosa North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan Project
City of Santa Rosa North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan Project