SCH Number 2011081008
Project Info
- Title
- Poway Road Bike Path
- Description
- Site Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 10-foot wide Class I Bike Path to replace an existing five-foot wide sidewalk along an approximately 1,875 linear-foot portion of Poway Road totaling 1.06 acres (see Figure 2, Site Plan). Two feet of horizontal clearance would be provided along each side of the bike path. The existing five-foot wide Class II Bike Lane would be converted into a traffic shoulder; the guard rail would be relocated and replaced, as needed; and the chain-link fence would be relocated and replaced with a four-foot tall, black, vinyl-coated, chain-link fence along the southern edge of the bike path. The existing widths of the eastbound traffic lanes along Poway Road would remain unchanged.
2 documents in project