SCH Number 2010101031
Project Info
- Title
- Coastal Christian School - Lan Use Ordinance Amendment and Conditional Use Permit
- Description
- The CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Coastal Christian School. Activities include the improvement of an access road and construction of pads for portable classrooms and sports field in a former detention basin. A Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan will be implemented to restore ~2.9 acres of riparian, coastal scrub, and oak woodland habitat. Work will be done when there is no water present in the channel.
4 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Agreement 1600-2013-0142-R4 | |
NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Los Robles Del Mar Annexation Project (Los Robles Del Mar Residential Project and Coastal Christian School) | |
NOD | San Luis Obispo County | County File Numbers: DRC2008-00021 and LRP2008-00011 | |
MND | San Luis Obispo County | Coastal Christian School - Lan Use Ordinance Amendment and Conditional Use Permit |