SCH Number 2010101002
Project Info
- Title
- Curtimade Dairy, Inc. (PSP07-011)
- Description
- The owner/applicant has applied for a Special Use Permit, in the AE-40 (Exclusive Agricultural -40 acre minimum) Zone, to expand a permitted 5, 199 Animal Unit (3,300 milking) Holstein dairy to a 6,566 Animal Units (5,378 milking) Jersey dairy. The herd size of the expansion will be 12, 192 head. To accommodate the increased number of cows, the project site will be enlarged from 1,157 acres to 1,395 acres. 143 acres of the project site will be the dairy facility, 1,150 acres will be utilized as farmable area, and the balance of the site is occupied with water wells, return ponds, sump pumps, and farms roads. The 143 acre dairy facility will have freestall housing with a flush system for the milking herd, support stock will be housed in shaded corrals with flushed alleys, and young calves will be housed in calf hutches.
2 documents in project