SCH Number 2010062076

Project Info

Carnegie SVRA and Mitchell Ravine Projects
The proposed project involves restoration and stabilization of the Mitchell Ravine and waste rock piles. The Project will result in permanent and temporary impacts to 6.37 acres of Alameda whipsnake habitat. Project-related impacts are expected to result in the take of Alameda whipsnake, a species protected by the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). DFG is issuing the CESA incidental take permit referenced above as a responsible agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mitchell Ravine Restoration Project and SRI Road Crossing Repair
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mitchell Ravine Restoration Project and SRI Road Crossing Repair
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mitchell Ravine Restoration Project and SRI Road Crossing Repair
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mitchell Ravine Restoration Project and SRI Road Crossing Repair
California Department of Parks and Recreation Carnegie SVRA and Mitchell Ravine Projects
California Department of Parks and Recreation Carnegie SVRA and Mitchell Ravine Projects