SCH Number 2010061075

Project Info

Lower Valley Irrigation System Expansion Project
The Lower Coachella Valley Irrigation System Extension Project entails the ~2.9 mile extension of an irrigation pipeline, Lateral 97.0-4.3, from its current terminus near Avenue 65, south to Avenue 68 along Buchanan Street, and then easterly along Avenue 68 for ~4,000 lineal ft. The project involves the installation of 8,600 lineal ft of 30 inch pipe, 1,560 lineal ft of 24 inch pipe, 2,700 lineal ft of 18 inch pipe, and 2,670 lineal ft of 12 inch pipe, to serve Coachella Canal water (Colorado River water) to 4 landowners representing 753 acres of land within Improvement District No. 1 who are currently pumping groundwater. The project involves 56 lineal ft of a 48 inch bore under Avenue 66 (State Highway 195), and 263 lineal ft of 48 inch bore under State Highway 86S. All of the pipeline proposed will be made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Coachella Valley Water District Lower Valley Irrigation System Expansion Project
Coachella Valley Water District Lower Valley Irrigation System Expansion Project