SCH Number 2010042063
Project Info
- Title
- Lehigh Permanente Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment
- Description
- Reclamation Plan Amendment that provides for reclamation of the Permanente Quarry, California State Mine ID #91-43-0004.
6 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Santa Clara County | Yeager Yard Settlement Basin Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019- 0322-R3) | |
NOD | Santa Clara County | Reclamation Plan Amendment (Consolidated) for Permanente Quarry (State Mine ID# 91-43-004) | |
EIR | Santa Clara County | Lehigh Permanente Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment | |
NOP | Santa Clara County | Reclamation Plan Amendment (Consolidated) for Permanente Quarry (State Mine ID# 91-43-004) | |
NOP | Santa Clara County | Reclamation Plan Amendment (Consolidated) for Permanente Quarry (State Mine ID# 91-43-004) | |
NOP | Santa Clara County | Reclamation Plan Amendment for Permanente Quarry Comprehensive EMSA |