SCH Number 2010042043

Project Info

Civic Center and Downtown West End Gateway Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
The City of Napa will partner will Plenary Properties Napa ("Plenary") to redevelop a portion of the city's downtown area. The project proposes to consolidate city administrate offices and essential services and provide additional public parking in downtown. The project also includes constructing residential development and a new hotel with retail and open space. These changes require the City to amend the DNSP land use and zoning designations that currently apply to the properties proposed to redeveloped. A lead agency may prepare a SEIR to revise a previous EIR so that the environmental analysis adequately applies to the project. (CEQA Guidelines Section 15163(a)(2).). As described above, the project requires the City to amend its DNSP because the plan did not contemplate redevelopment on the specific city-owned properties proposed for redevelopment as part of the Civic Center and Downtown West End Gateway Project. The DNSP allows flexibility in planning, however, to meet the City's goal of strengthening the role of downtown Napa as the community center. For example, the DNSP PEIR evaluated the allowable increased residential development and hotel, retail, and office development throughout the downtown area. The project consists of relocating city administrative buildings, and developing a hotel, residential, retail, parking, and providing open space in the heart of downtown. The project's components are consistent with the DNSP's goals and policies to concentrate civic buildings and catalyze mixed-use development, including residential.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Napa Civic Center and Downtown West End Gateway Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
City of Napa Napa Downtown Specific Plan
City of Napa Napa Downtown Specific Plan