SCH Number 2010042002

Project Info

Malech Road Water Supply Project
The proposed project includes installation of a water pipeline, pump and associated appurtenances to supple domestic and fire water to the Mariposa Lodge Alcohol Treatment Facility, the House on the Hill, and the Sheriff's Firing Range. Roadway improvements to the Sheriff's Firing Range would also be part of the project. The physical improvements associated with the proposed project include a new booster pump station, which would be set on a concrete pad within an enclosed prefabricated enclosure surrounded by a fence. Other improvements include the installation of several PG&G power poles to provide electricity to the pump station, a new 12 inch water line from the pump station to the Sheriff's Firing Range, a new 12-inch water (trenched) along Malech Road connecting the pump station to the existing Great Oaks Water Company main located at Basking Ridge Road, 6 additional fire hydrants throughout the project site, and the widening of a portion of the existing roadway to comply with the Fire Marshalls 20 ft minimum width fire lane requirement.
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Santa Clara County Malech Road Water Supply Project
Santa Clara County Malech Road Water Supply Project