SCH Number 2010041003
Project Info
- Title
- Housing Opportunity Overlay (HO-O) Zone (Implementation of General Plan Housing Element Policy HE 3.1 b)
- Description
- The proposed Housing Opportunity Overlay Zone (HO-O Zone) will implement the City of Artesia Housing Element Action 3.1 b, as set forth in the in t he 2014 Housing Element of the City of Artesia General Plan. The HO-O Zone will permit a minimum residential density of 20 units per acre by right, and will allow residential densities up to 30 units per acre. The present zoning permits residential densities of up to one unit per 1800 square feet, approximately 24 units per acre, but requires a conditional use permit for structures taller than two stories. This overlay ordinance would remove the CUP requirement and permit slightly increased residential density to be constructed without project-level CEQA review. The Supplement establishes particular mitigation measures to be applied to future construction projects as development standards within the HO-O zone.
3 documents in project