SCH Number 2010031119

Project Info

2008-2014 Housing Element Update (Case No. GPE P-2010038)
California State Government Code Section 65302(c) mandates that each city shall include a Housing Element in its General Plan and that the Housing Element be updated periodically to reflect current conditions and legal requirements as reflected in State and/or Federal housing laws. The California State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is required to review the Housing Element Update for conformance with housing laws. The project referenced herein addresses this State mandate. The Housing Element is one of nine elements comprising the City of Culver City's General Plan, which is a comprehensive, long-term plan for the physical development of the City. The Housing Element specifically addresses the City's vision as it relates to housing. The 2008-2014 Housing Element is the City's guiding document in addressing new housing, rehabilitation of current housing, and preservation of existing affordable housing.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Culver City 2008-2014 Housing Element Update (Case No. GPE P-2010038)
Culver City 2008-2014 Housing Element Update (Case No. GPE P-2010038)