SCH Number 2010031106

Project Info

Reedley General Plan 2030 Recirculated Draft EIR
Sphere of Influence Expansion Application No. 2018-1 pertains to the expansion of the City's Sphere of Influence in the northern and eastern portions of the City, as identified within the Reedley General Plan Update 2030 and the executed City of Reedley - County of Fresno Memorandum of Understanding. The total expansion equates to 120 acres total, comprised of 80 acres at the northern intersection of Frankwood and South Ave, and 40 acres on the North side of Manning Ave west of tge Zumwalt Avenue alignment.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Reedley Environmental Assessment No. 2019-8 Site Plan Review Application No. 2019-2 (1359 East Curtis Avenue Facility Expansion Project)
City of Reedley Environmental Assessment No. 2019-9 Site Plan Review Application No. 2019-3 (Master Storage 365 Self-Storage Facility)
City of Reedley Environmental Assessment No. 2019-6 Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map No. 6267 (Fino Estates)
City of Reedley EnvironmentalAssessment No. 2018-17, related to Sphere of Influence Expansion Application No. 2018-1
City of Reedley Plan Amendment No. 2012-002
City of Reedley Reedley General Plan 2030 Recirculated Draft EIR
City of Reedley Reedley General Plan 2030 Recirculated Draft EIR
City of Reedley City of Reedley General Plan Update