SCH Number 2009112073

Project Info

Main Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWWTP) Land Use Master Plan
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Main Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWWTP) Land Use Master Plan EIR (LUMP EIR) was prepared and certified in 2011 to serve as a high-level planning tool to guide development of the existing 48-acre MWWTP site and the newly-acquired, adjacent 15.9-acre West End property (former U.S. Army Reserve Center) over a 30-year time horizon. The LUMP EIR identified two renewable energy projects for implementation in the near future- biodiesel production and food waste preprocessing - to help EBMUD meet sustainability goals by increasing on-site power generation. EBMUD has now modified the food waste project (Modified Project). The Modified Project would involve acceptance of organics-rich waste collected from multiple sources, including the City of Oakland in goth unprocessed and preprocessed form, and from other communities within the surrounding area. The Modified Project would also include construct and operation of facilities for food waste processing, urban organics, dedicated digestion and dewatering, and renewable vehicle fuel production. Following EBMUD's June 2015 approval of the Modified Project, certain minor modifications were determined to be necessary, including the addition of a thermal oil heater and clarifications on the height of compressed natural gas facilities to be built as part of the Modified Project. EBMUD analyzed these minor modifications in a subsequent, November 2015 addendum. Based upon the analysis in that addendum, EBMUD determined that no further environmental review was required and approved amendment of a contract for preliminary engineering and design services for the Modified Project, including the minor modifications considered in the November 2015 addendum. This approval is part of the Modified Project, as described in the FEIR and subsequent addenda thereto.
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13 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
East Bay Municipal Utility District Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan - Minor Modifications to the Modified Food Waste Project as Described int the FEIR and the June 2015 Modifi
East Bay Municipal Utility District Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan - Modified Food Waste Project (EIR Addendum)
East Bay Municipal Utility District Award of Franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics Collection Services and partial implementation of already approved East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMU
East Bay Municipal Utility District Award of Franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics Collection Services and partial implementation of already approved East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMU
East Bay Municipal Utility District Award of Franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics Collection Services and partial implementation of already approved East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMU
East Bay Municipal Utility District Award of Franchise for Mixed Materials and Organics Collection Services and partial implementation of already approved East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMU
East Bay Municipal Utility District Implementation of already approved Oakland Army Base Project and Main Waste Water Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan: Award of Franchise for Mixed Materials a
East Bay Municipal Utility District Implementation of already approved Oakland Army Base Project and Main Waste Water Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan: Award of Franchise for Mixed Materials a
East Bay Municipal Utility District Organics-Rich Materials Preprocessing Pilot Project (Addendum)
East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan
East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan
East Bay Municipal Utility District Main Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWWTP) Land Use Master Plan
East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Use Master Plan