SCH Number 2009111080
Project Info
- Title
- Remedial Action Plan, Proposed Central Region Elementary School #13
- Description
- The project involves approval of a Remdial Action Plan (RAP) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for the proposed Central Region Elementary School #13, Area B2 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.8. The RAP focuses on excavation, removal and off-site disposal of ~8,728 cy of impacted soil with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) impacted soil and soil gas. Upon soil removal activities, a Liquid Boot-type will be placed on the shoring along the eastern boundary of excavation to prevent re-confirmation sampling and Site restoration will be conducted. If necessary, additional soil volume will be excavated to ensure all onsite impacted soils containing the identified chemicals of concern (COCs) at concentrations of the corresponding cleanup levels or above have been properly removed. The RAP is part of a new school construction project proposed by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). RAP activities are expected to commence in January 2010. Excavation and offsite disposal activities will be completed in ~45 days. The installation of the liquid boot will take place during this 45 day period. All RAP activities are anticipated to be completed by mid March 2010.
2 documents in project