SCH Number 2009051086

Project Info

State Route 2 Freeway Terminus Improvement Project
FONSI - NOA NOTE: Joint Document: MND/EA Review Per Lead The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), in cooperation with Caltrans and City of LADOT, proposes to modify the southern Terminus of SR 2 from Branden St (PM 13.5) to Oak Glen Place (PM 15.0) in the City and County of LA. The purpose of the project is to better manage traffic flow at the terminus; enhance vehicular and pedestrian mobility and safety in the vicinity of the SR 2 terminus, and develop a freeway terminus design that is compatible with existing residential and commercial uses in the immediate vicinity.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 7 State Route 2 Freeway Terminus Improvement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 7 State Route 2 Freeway Terminus Improvement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 7 State Route 2 Freeway Terminus Improvement Project