SCH Number 2009041096

Project Info

City of Yucaipa Housing Element Implementation Program
The proposed project will identify and rezone a minimum of 19 acres of land (one or more of Sites 1-3) for multifamily development "as-of-right." This component also includes the creation of a new land use district (RM-24 - Multiple Residential, 24 units per acre maximum) in the Development Code with corresponding development standards. Additionally, the project includes amendments to the Development Code to: add density bonus provisions to the Development Code to comply with the current provisions of State law; revise the Development Code to establish appropriate locations and development standards for Single-Room Occupancies (SROs); adopt a Reasonable Accommodation Ordinance which would require the City to remove constraints and make reasonable accommodation for housing occupied by persons with disabilities; and to establish the Service Commercial (CS) land use district as the location for emergency shelter development "as-of-right". The project also includes amendments to the Development Code that incorporate regualtions for inclusionary housing (mandating that at least 15% of new housing constructed in redevelopment project area be affordable to low-income and moderate-income households).
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City of Yucaipa Housing Element Implementation Program
City of Yucaipa Housing Element Implementation Program
City of Yucaipa City of Yucaipa Housing Element Implementation Program
City of Yucaipa City of Yucaipa Housing Element Implementation Program
City of Yucaipa City of Yucaipa Housing Element Implementation Program