SCH Number 2009011020
Project Info
- Title
- Vista Del Rio
- Description
- The applicant proposes to alter the streambed of Loma Alta Creek to complete the remainder of the Loma Alta Creek El Camino Real Detention Basin. Construction of the Loma Alta Creek Detention Basin was previously authorized by CDFG along with another basin on Garrison Creek at El Camino Real (SAA #5-204-98). The detention basin at Garrison Creek was fully built, but only one-third of the basin at Loma Alta Creek was built prior to the expiration of the previous Agreement. Project activity to completely construction of the basin head and lateral masonry walls and finish the Loma Alta Creek Detention Basin includes the following: a) Trenching a 25-foot wide by 270-foot long construction corridor in order for the wall footings to be built and the walls anchored; b) Pile-driving the sheet pile wall sections into the ground; c) Minor grading and fill; and d) Construction of two concrete outfall structures within the lateral wall to drain the upper detention area into the lower detention area. (SAA #1660-2007-0329-R5).
2 documents in project