SCH Number 2008122029
Project Info
- Title
- Damabacher Ordinance for Zone Change 05RZ-119, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 05TSM-45(2),LAFCO
- Description
- 1) Ordinace for Zone Chane 05RZ-119 to rezone a 37.1 +/- acre project site as follows: Existing Zoning AE-37 and Open Space with 29.6 +/- and 7.5 +/- existing acreage to Proposed Zoning RE-2:MX and Open Space with 24 +/- and 13.1 +/- proposed acreage. 2) Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map (05TSM-45(2) to divide the project site to create the Dambacher Estates Subdivision which will consist of 18 lots ranging in size from 2.0 +/- acres to 2.9 +/- acres. 3) Resolution of application to the LAFCO to form a CSA to provide road maintenance for roads serving the proposed subdivision which are not accepted into the County Maintained System and maintenance of street lights located within the road right-of-way.
2 documents in project