SCH Number 2008121045
Project Info
- Title
- 2919-2923 Wilshire Boulevard Mixed Use Project
- Description
- The 22,1119 square foot (SF) project site consists of two existing parcels (2919 and 2923 Wilshire Blvd) situated at the west corner of the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Stanford Street within the City of Santa Monica. The project site is currently developed with a single-story 5,270 SF commercial structure that contains a liquor store and a pet shop (2919 Wilshire) and an adjacent surface parking lot (2923 Wilshire) containing 29 parking spaces. The proposed project involves the demolition of the existing one-story brick structure, as well as the paved surface parking lot, to construct a mixed-use development with 11,595 sf of commercial retail on the ground floor to be used as a specialty grocery store and 26 apartment units on the second through fourth floors (25,782 sf of residential use). Apartment units would be a mix of one-bedroom (6 total), two-bedroom (13 total), and three-bedroom (7 total) units. The project would also involve excavation to construct two-levels of subterranean parking with 100 parking spaces. One level (P1) would be reserved for customers of the grocery store (46 total spaces) while the lower Level (P2) would be reserved for residents of the apartment units (56 spaces). The project proposes to take access from Stanford Street to both the parking garage and a loading area for delivery trucks. The applicant has applied for a Development Review permit for a development project exceeding 22,500 SF of floor area. In addition, the project applicant has applied for a Variance request to allow a modification of the City's driveway requirements in order to locate a driveway within a required yard setback. The project will be constructed with techniques consistent with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification pursuant to the requirements of Santa Monica Municipal Code Section The LEED program is designed to assign credits for environmentally-friendly design features and construction practices, so that projects may have less impact on the environement than standard construction would.
2 documents in project