SCH Number 2008101140

Project Info

The Ontario Plan
A City initiated proposal to construct bike and pedestrian improvements on Mission Blvd. to facilitate non-motorists. Mission Blvd. is currently a four lane divided arterial which carries 10,500 vehicles per day with posted speeds of 45-50 MPH. Mission Blvd. is a truck route. A one-way Class IV Bike Lane is proposed on both sides of the street which will allow a 3'-4' wide striped buffer between the drive lane and the curb adjacent bike lane. In order to create a seamless bike facility, curb and gutter will be installed in the segments where none exists so bicycles are not required to travel in the existing ravel edge along with bike detection at signalized intersections. Sidewalks, handicap ramps and landscaped parkways are proposed in the segments where they are missing to accommodate walking. In addition, street lights will be installed where they are missing to increase the safety of both bicyclists and pedestrians.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Ontario Haynes, Vista Grande and Oaks Schools Project
City of Ontario PADV18-004 Mission Blvd. Bike and Pedestrian Project
City of Ontario The Ontario Plan (PGPA 06-001)
City of Ontario The Ontario Plan
City of Ontario The Ontario Plan
City of Ontario The Ontario Plan