SCH Number 2008098328
Project Info
- Title
- Piru Disposal Site Repair
- Description
- The applicant intends to alter the streambed by re-constructing the bank protection at the Piru Burn Dump Site. The original bank protection was damaged in 2005 during high flow events at which time temporary fill and riprap were placed along the bank. The existing bank will be excavated and the removed material will be stockpiled for later use. The new bank will be restored to the pre-2005 limits, this widening the river's channel. The new bank protection will extend for a length of approximately 1,040 feet and will consist of the placement of -2 ton ungrouted rock riprap at a 2:1 slope. This bank protection structure will extend vertically 10 feet above and 12 feet below the existing streambed elevation.
2 documents in project