SCH Number 2008092113
Project Info
- Title
- 07-0414 Rezone, General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and PUD for APN: 029-021-47
- Description
- The project proposes a General Plan amendment, zone change, Riparian Exception, and Planned Unit Development (PUD) allowing a maximum development density of 20 dwelling units per usable acre on the project site, a 40% of total number of units as affordable, by-right: use & density would not be discretionary, 4.99 usable acres = 99 dwelling units. Gen. Plan amendments: from C-S to R-UH w/PUD; the R-UH would be amended to allow 20 units/net developable acre w/a 2,000s.f. lot size req.; in addition, the parcel would be rezoned from M-1 to M-2.
2 documents in project