SCH Number 2008091014
Project Info
- Title
- Koll San Juan
- Description
- NOTE: Recirculated The project consists of a proposal by the applicant, Koll Development Company, to develop a 68,000 square foot, nine (9) building, commercial office complex on an existing 7.8 net acre (9.2 gross acres) property. Building Nos. 1, 4, 7, and 9 are proposed to be two-story in height while the remaining buildings (Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8) are proposed to be single-story. Project implementation requires several legislative and discretionary actions, including an amendment to the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 90-02 (Mammoth Equities) to incorporate the southerly parcel, presently zoned "P&I" (Public & Institutional) into the "PC" (Planned Community) Zone District. The project also requires approval of an Architectural Control (AC) for the site plan, landscape plan, etc.; a Grading Plan Modification to allow site grades to be altered by more than 2'-0"; and a Tree Removal Permit to remove 32 non-native trees from the site. Finally, the project proposes a two-lot Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) to allow future condominium ownership of the proposed commercial office buildings.
3 documents in project