SCH Number 2008041151

Project Info

Dos Palmas Wetland Creation Project
CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2008-0079-R6) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Coachella Valley Water District. The Applicant proposes to construct 17 acres of non-tidal wetland (Created Marsh) on 25.03 acres. The Creation of these wetlands will permanently impact 3.74 acres of jurisdictional area through the creation of berms, and temporarily impact 21.29 acres of jurisdictional area. Mitigation for the permanent loss of 3.74 acres of jurisdictional habitat will be offset through the creation of 17 acres of emergent marsh and aquatic plant communities.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Coachella Valley Water District Dos Palmas Created Wetlands
Coachella Valley Water District Dos Palmas Wetland Creation Project
Coachella Valley Water District Dos Palmas Wetland Creation Project