SCH Number 2008041111
Project Info
- Title
- Nancy Ridge Business Park
- Description
- Site Development Permit, Planned Development Permit, Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) Boundary Line Adjustment and Rezone from AR-1-1 (Agricultural-Residential) to IL-2-1 (Industrial-Light) to construct two step-down, flat pads for outdoor storage use and a paved non-standard driveway totaling approximately 6.17 acres on a 25.79-acre site. The project site would consist of two parcels. A deviation is requested to allow retaining walls with a maximum height of 31 feet. The project site is located at 5909 Nancy Ridge Drive within the Mira Mesa Community Plan Area, Residential Tandem Parking Overlay Zone, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Airport Influence Area, Accident Potential Zone 2, Airport Environs Overlay Zone, FAA Part 77 Notification Area, Environmentally Sensitive Lands, and Floodway-100 and Floodplain-100 Zones.
2 documents in project