SCH Number 2008011012
Project Info
- Title
- PA05-0105 through 0108 (Gateway Business Park, Tentative Parcel Map 33152)
- Description
- Tentative Parcel Map 33152 is a proposed division of 25 acres into six parcels for industrial and warehouse uses. The proposed master plot plan provides for 16 buildings with office, industrial, and warehouse space on approximately 19 acres consisting of proposed Parcels 1 through 4. Total building area for the 16 buildings is 253,740 square feet; individual buildings range from 6,000 square feet to 42,776 square feet. The proposed General Plan amendment involves changes to both the Land Use and Circulation elements. The amendment to the Land Use Element would eliminate the existing Commercial land use designation for approximately 6 acres closest to Alessandro Boulevard, placing the entire site within the Business Park/Industrial land use designation. The Circulation element amendment would add Old 215 Frontage Road south of Alessandro Boulevard to the Circulation Element roadway system as a Minor Arterial. The zone Change involves the approximately 19 acres corresponding to the Master Plot Plan, eliminating the existing Community Commercial and Industrial land use districts and placing the proposed development within the Business Park district. The existing Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone overlay district designation for the site will remain unchanged.
2 documents in project