SCH Number 2007101148

Project Info

Addendum to South Shafter Sewer, Trunk Line Sewer & Lift Station Project
Note: Addendum & Review Per Lead The Kern County Public Works Department (County) originally proposed to construct approximately 34,500 linear feet of sewer trunk line with associated manholes for access within existing road rights-of-way (ROW) and water line easements. The focus on this Addendum consists of comparing the original project to a modified project that reflects modifications to design elements and change in management structure that has evolved since the original approval in November 2016. Several major changes in the original project are being considered by the County, City and State Water Resources Control Board. First, some of the sewer pipeline alignments have been shifted to different road alignments after consultation with the City of Shafter's Public Works Department; (2) instead of creating a new County Service Area Zone to oversee the wastewater collection system in the future, the City of Shafter has indicated that it proposes to assume responsibility for the collection system, with approval from the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission of an out-of-area service contract; (3) as part of the project, the individual laterals to existing parcels will be installed to replace existing subsurface septic tanks; (4) instead of five lift stations only two lift stations will be installed; (5) instead of 386 residential parcel connections, the number of residential lots served will be 398, with the nonresidential connections remaining at 10 (total 408 parcel connections to the proposed sewer system); (6) potential daily flows will be increased to an average of 152,601 gpd and a peak daily flow of 223,344 gpd; and (7) the original total length of pipeline proposed for South Shafter was estimated at 34,500 linear feet, proposed pipeline under the modified project is estimated to be about 16,500 linear feet with the same pipeline sizes.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County South Shafter Sewer Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) NO. C-06-7659-110
Kern County Addendum to South Shafter Sewer, Trunk Sewer & Lift Station Project
Kern County South Shafter Sewer, Trunk Line Sewer & Lift Station
Kern County Addendum to South Shafter Sewer, Trunk Line Sewer & Lift Station Project
Kern County South Shafter Swer Project (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-7659-110
Kern County South Shafter Sewer, Trunk Line Sewer and Lift Station Project
Kern County 5420 MDH 5-07; South Shafter Sewer Project - Kern County Engineering and Survey Department (PP07002)
Kern County 5420 MDH 5-07; South Shafter Sewer Project - Kern County Engineering and Survey Department (PP07002)