SCH Number 2007072025

Project Info

Valley of the Moon Water District Well No. 5 Replacement Project
The Valley of the Moon Water District (District) proposes to replace an abandoned production well on the 7,500 square foot parcel it owns on the south side of Verano Avenue near the intersection of Arnold Drive in El Verano. The depth of the well would be 680 feet, and the pumping rate would be approximately 300 gallons per minute (GPM) over a 24 hour per day period. The well would be used to augment the District's existing water supply during peak water demand periods; therefore, the well is expected to be in use for approximately four months each year. The annual water production from this well is projected to total approximately 160 acre feet. A small concrete block building would be built to house the well, pump, and appurtenances.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Valley of the Moon Water District Valley of the Moon Water District Well No. 5 Replacement Project
Valley of the Moon Water District Valley of the Moon Water District Well No. 5 Replacement Project