SCH Number 2006041039

Project Info

Otay Crossings Commerce Park Major Industrial Subdivision
The San Diego RWQCB is issuing a Clean water Act Section 401 water quality certification (Cert. No. 09C-019) to the project applicant. The applicant proposes to develop a 311.5-acres industrial park subdivision and include on-site and off-site public road and utility improvements to support the project site development. The proposed lots will be rough graded for future development. Three lots of steep slopes and sensitive hillsides (totaling 25.1 acres) will be preserved as open space via a conservation easement. compensatory mitigation is provided with Rancho Jamul Mitigation Bank credits and vernal pool reestablishment at the Lonestar Mitigation Site.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Otay Crossings Commerce Park
San Diego County Otay Crossings Commerce Park; SPA 04-006, TM5405, Log No. 93-19-006Q
San Diego County Otay Crossings Commerce Park; SPA 04-006, TM5405, Log No. 93-19-006Q
San Diego County Otay Crossings Commerce Park; SPA 04-006, TM5405, Log No. 93-19-006Q