SCH Number 2005122001
Project Info
- Title
- Bear Creek East Specific Plan Project (P10-225)
- Description
- Note: Review Per Lead The project proposes a specific plan and associated entitlements for a ~317-acre site to develop a maximum of 2,122 single and multi-family residential units, ~93,200 s.f. of retail commercial use, ~41,800 s.f. of office space, ~95,800 of light industrial development, a 10-acre elementary school, ~25.1 acres of parks, ~29.4 acres of green belt and open space and ~34 acres of public-rights-way. The proposed entitlements will include Annexation, General Plan amendment, Prezoning, Specific Plan, Development Agreement, and future Tentative Maps. The project is generally bounded by Eight Mile Road to the north, West Lane to the west, Union Pacific Railroad to the east and Bear creek to the south.
2 documents in project