SCH Number 2005111118

Project Info

South Pointe West Specific Plan
CDFW is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code (#1600-2013-0084-R5) to the project applicant, Lewis Operating Corps., represented by John Snell. The project proposes to remove vegetation, grader over, or partially obstruct a total of 0.62 acre of CDFW jurisdictional drainages vegetated with cost live oak woodland, mixed chaparral/rural and southern willow scrub habitats. All impacts are permanent and will occur during the construction of 99 dwelling units, associated roadways, fuel modification zones, and a neighborhood park located over 42.12 acre of the project site. The 42.12 acres includes an approximately 31.28 acre tentative tract map area, an approximately 3.24 acre are located off-site which is proposed for a neighborhood park, and an approximately 7.45 acre area off-site which will be used as stockpile site for the placement of surplus oil material excavated urging grading operations. A total of 16 coast live oak trees, 8-30 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) will be removed and total of one willow tree, 12 inches DBH will be removed. The project will mitigate for these impacts through riparian habitat creation, restoration, and/or enhancement of 1.4 acres of oak woodland, mixed chaparral, and southern willow scrub habitats at a CDFW approved location and include a plan for long term management.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Diamond Bar South Pointe West Specific Plan
City of Diamond Bar South Pointe West Specific Plan
City of Diamond Bar South Pointe West Specific Plan
City of Diamond Bar South Pointe West Specific Plan
City of Diamond Bar South Pointe West Specific Plan