SCH Number 2005111015

Project Info

Plant 40 Disposable Resin Ion Exchange System for Uranium Removal Project
East Valley Water District is proposing to construct and operate a resin ion exchange treatment system to reduce uranium and nitrate concentrations from groundwater pumped at the District's Plant 40 site. The Uranium and nitrate treatment units will operated up to 1,500 gpm. Approximately 200 gpm will bypass the nitrate unit and will blend in after nitrate treatment.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
East Valley Water District Plant 40 Nitrate and Uranium IX Treatment System
East Valley Water District Plant 40 Disposable Resin Ion Exchange System for Uranium Removal Project
East Valley Water District East Valley Water District's (EVWD) Addendum No. 1 to the Mitigate Negative Declaration Plant 40 Disposable Resin Ion Exhange System for Uranium Removal Project
East Valley Water District Plant 40 Disposable Resin Ion Exchange System for Uranium Removal Project
East Valley Water District Plant 40 Disposable Resin Ion Exchange System for Uranium Removal Project