SCH Number 2005101123

Project Info

Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan
The Malibu Lagoon State Beach Restoration will consist of construction in the lagoon to increase tidal flushing, improve water circulation, improve coastal water quality, increase water holding capacity, reduce predator encroachment, restore typical salt marsh hydrology, increase wildlife habitat, create nesting island for lease terms and western snowy plovers, create channel connections to the lagoon, and integrate public access with habitat protection. Major components of the Plan consists of a new channel to be constructed along the southern edge of the western lagoon to replace the three existing parallel channels, improvements to the existing boat house channel in the eastern lagoon, removal of non-native invasive vegetation and planting of natives, improvement to the existing trail along the perimeter of the western lagoon and the construction of five new interpretive nodes along that trail and east of the parking lot, and implementation of Best Management Practices to minimize impacts of storm water runoff.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan