SCH Number 2005091014

Project Info

East Santa Clarita Annexation (Master Case 05-270)
The City is proposing to amend its General Plan and to prezone approximately 1,885 acres of undeveloped and uninhabited land and annexation of the area to the City of Santa Clarita. The annexation includes a City of Santa Clarita General Plan Amendment and prezone to RS (Residential Suburban), RE (Residential Estate), RVL (Residential Very Low), OS (Open Space) with a MOCA (Mineral/Oil Conservation Area) overlay on a portion of the OS designation.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Clarita East Santa Clarita Annexation (Master Case 05-270)
City of Santa Clarita City of Santa Clarita Master Case No. 05-270 / General Plan Amendment, Prezone, Annexation
City of Santa Clarita City of Santa Clarita Master Case No. 05-270 / General Plan Amendment, Prezone, Annexation