SCH Number 2005022047

Project Info

Lot Line Adjustment and Parcel Map Residential Subdivision Resulting in 3 Parcels
A lot line adjustment between two parcels from a previous parcel map and then a minor subdivision of one of the resulting parcels into two parcels. The parcels have, or will be developed with, public water and on-site sewage disposal systems. A Special Permit is required for a modification to the minimum lot size per §314-99, HCC. Another exception to the road width standard is requested. The project will result in three parcels ranging in size from 3.08-6.61 acres. The smaller parcel is developed with two residences and a shed.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Lot Line Adjustment and Parcel Map Residential Subdivision Resulting in 3 Parcels
Humboldt County Lot Line Adjustment and Parcel Map Residential Subdivision Resulting in 3 Parcels