SCH Number 2004092098
Project Info
- Title
- Gaylord Container Company, Black Liquor Pond Remedial Action at the East Mill Site
- Description
- The Department of Toxic Substances Control is considering approval of an Interim Remedial Action Plan pursuant to authority granted under Chapter 6.8, Division 20, California Health and Safety Code. The objective of the interim remedial action is to remove materials associated with kraft pulping and bleaching processes within the black liquor pond. Gaylord Container Corporation is proposing to remove an unlined pond at their East Mill Site located at 2603 Wilbur Avenue in Antioch, California. The black liquor pond, an area roughly 125 by 450 feet, with a maximum depth of 21 feet below ground surface, is located on the southeast corner of the Site. The Site is bordered to the north by the San Joaquin River, to the south by Wilbur Avenue, to the east by Delta Mirant, and to the west by Gaylord's West Mill. The black liquor pond was used intermittently to store black liquor; a byproduct of the mill operation from the early 1950s until the 1970s after which is was backfilled with soil and wood chips. Soil investigations show elevated concentration of lead, nickel, and dioxins/furans in the black liquor pond.
2 documents in project