SCH Number 2004072137

Project Info

Scott Ranch Project
Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report for a residential project proposing to develop approximately 15 acres with 28 single-family residences, streets, and common open space. The single-family residences will be developed along two new proposed streets and will be arranged in clusters. Other infrastructure improvements including sewer, water, and storm drainage facilities needed to serve the proposed project will also be constructed. The proposed Putnam Park Extension Project component will extend the existing Helen Putnam Regional Park eastward to D Street by developing a park area on approximately 44-acres. The project proposes to develop a barn center that would include renovation of the existing barn complex and cleaning shed, installation of pathways, bicycle parking, information kiosks, vegetable gardens, demonstration and working corrals, antique farm equipment, and an amphitheater for outdoor activities.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Petaluma Scott Ranch Project
City of Petaluma Davidon/Scott Ranch General Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and Vesting Tentative Map Project
City of Petaluma Davidon Homes Tentative Subdivision Map and Rezoning Project
City of Petaluma Davidon Homes Tentative Subdivision Map and Rezoning Project