SCH Number 200407
Project Info
- Title
- Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria - APNs: 041-190-048, 041-190-045
- Description
- Note: 041-190-048 (formerly 038-150-026), 041-190-045 (formerly 041-190-020). The subject property is located northeast of California State Highway 99 and the Oroville Chico Road, near Chico, California. The property consists of two contiguous parcels: APN 038-150-026 (46.68 acres) and APN 041-190-020 (592.52 acres) totaling 645.20, more or less. The Tribe intends to use the land as part of its restored lands and plans to commercially develop the parcels and offer Class II and Class III gaming (as defined by the I.G.R.A, 25 U.S.C. section 2701 et seq.) to the public at the proposed gaming facility. The Tribe's administrative headquarters will also be located at the facility.
2 documents in project