SCH Number 2004051028

Project Info

The Meadowood Project
The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to: Change the General Plan Regional Categories of Village, Semi-Rural and Rural Lands, to the Village Regional Category; amend the existing Land Use Designations of a mix of Village Residential, Semi-Rural Lands, Rural Lands, and Neighborhood Commercial Land uses to the Specific Plan Area (2.3 du/ac). The project also includes: adoption of a Water Supply Assessment and Verification Report, a Specific Plan, a Rezone and an extinguishment of mineral resources, to implement the requested General Plan Amendment. A subdivision would result in and the construction of 355 single family and 489 multi-family dwellings, 8 acres of Parkland, a 12.7-acre elementary school site, preservation of 49.3 acres of agricultural lands and 128.5 acres of preserved open space. In addition, the project would construct a north-south roadway, through the site (Horse Ranch Creek Road) and result in improvements to the off-site roadways, such as SR-76, Pankey Road and Pala Mesa Drive. The project would be served by a proposed on-site wastewater treatment plant and public water distribution system.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Meadowood Revised Map
San Diego County Meadowood Project
San Diego County Meadowood Project
San Diego County Meadowood Specific Plan Area (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0195-R5)
San Diego County Meadowood Specific Plan Area (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0195-R5)
San Diego County Meadowood Specific Plan
San Diego County Meadowood Specific Plan
San Diego County Meadowood Specific Plan