SCH Number 2004011110
Project Info
- Title
- National City Downtown Specific Plan
- Description
- The Downtown Specific Plan Proposes to: 1) encourage private investment to compliment downtown businesses and the existing neighborhood fabric; 2) build on public investment in the Education Center, Chamber of Commerce, Brick Row, Kimball Park and National City Boulevard and the Transit Station; 3) create better links to Kimball Park and the Transit Station from downtown; 4) enhance pedestrian environment and provide public parking in the downtown core; 5) focus retail in the downtown core; 6) capture potential for neighborhood, food related and especially retail; 7) encourage mixed-use, residential over retail; 8) encourage new infill housing over development to support higher development costs, encourage higher density housing. The Specific Plan will encourage pedestrian emphasis, mixed-use such as residential over retail, improve traffic circulation and parking, connect the downtown with Kimball Park, improve the streetscape along key roadways, and provide design guidelines.
2 documents in project