SCH Number 2003081071

Project Info

Burbank Media Center
The Draft EIR prepared for the proposed project evaluated five different development scenarios proposed by the applicant to provide sufficient information to allow the City to consider the type, intensity and configuration of land uses that would be appropriate for this site. The five development scenarios are described in more detail below. Development Scenario No. 1: This scenario consists of 674,826 square feet of development in 3-, 6-, and 11-story buildings. The proposed uses include 393,875 square feet of media-related office, 175 condominium units, a health club, a childcare facility, retail / restaurant space and a new church facility. Parking would be provided in a fully subterranean parking structure. Development Scenario No. 2: This scenario consists of 616,826 square feet of development in 3-, 6- and 9-story buildings. The proposed uses include 360,100 square feet media-related office, 164 condominium units, a health club, a childcare facility, retail / restaurant space and a new church facility. Parking would be provided in a fully subterranean parking structure. Development Scenario No. 3: This scenario consists of 551,239 square feet of development in 3- and 6-story buildings. The proposed uses include 531,239 square feet media-related office space and approximately 20,000 square feet of retail/restaurant space. Parking would be provided in a fully subterranean parking structure. Development Scenario No. 4: This scenario includes 651,685 square feet of development in 3-, 6- and 10-story buildings. The proposed uses in this scenario include 213,374 square feet of media-related office, 268 condominium units, a health club, a childcare facility, retail / restaurant space and a new church facility. Parking would be provided in a fully subterranean parking structure. Development Scenario No. 5: This scenario includes 501,462 square feet of development in the 3-, 6- and 9-story buildings. No media-office space is proposed in Scenario 5. The proposed uses would consist of 298 residential condominium units, a health club, a childcare facility, retail / restaurant space and a new church facility. Parking would be provided in a fully subterranean parking structure. Scenario 5 would require the approval of a General Plan Amendment.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Burbank Burbank Media Center
City of Burbank Burbank Media Center
City of Burbank Burbank Media Center Planned Development Project (PD #2003-1)