SCH Number 2003061023
Project Info
- Title
- Legacy Estates Tract Map
- Description
- The project is a request by the agents, Urban Planning Concepts, for the applicants, Den Street Partners, for approval of a Tentative Tract Map (02TRM-00000-00007/TM 14,608) to subdivide land totaling 16.67 acres gross and 13.38 acres net, into 59 parcels ranging in size between 8,877 sf to 16,875 sf gross in the 7-R-1 zone district under Article III (Inland Zoning Ordinance) and pursuant to the provisions of County Code Chapter 21 (Subdivision Regulations). The application involves Assessor's Parcel Numbers 101-201-001, 101-202-001, 101-231-001, 101-232-001, 101-233-001, 101-234-001, & 101-242-001 located mostly west of Den Street and south of Coiner Street in the southwest corner of Los Alamos within the urban boundary, Third Supervisorial District.
5 documents in project