SCH Number 2003051100
Project Info
- Title
- Queshan Recreation Park
- Description
- CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2003-5010-R6) pursuant to Section 1601. The operator proposes to alter the bed, bank, and channel of the Colorado River by implementing the following project-related activities, including: 1) excavating and dredging at a depth of 6 feet and removal of approximately 35,000 cubic yards of sediment from the 3.62 acre lagoon; 2) placement of the dredged material and construction of temporary berms on a County of Riverside owned parcel of land immediately north of Queshan Park; 3) installation of two 36-inch culverts, construction of a percolation dam, or excavation of existing culverts (if present); 4) construction of boat docks on the west side of the lagoon, in two phases to commence on or after July 1, 2004; 5) construction of a boat launch ramp on the southwest side of the lagoon to commence on or after July 1, 2004; 6) clearing of 2.72 acres of riparian vegetation to create a sand beach at the north end of the lagoon; 7) creation of a defined wading area south of the beach in the lagoon; 8) construction of swimming platforms, commercial concessions (restaurant, retail), maintenance facilities, and parking facilities as depicted in figure 4 of the overview of the proposed activities. The operator shall mitigate for the loss of 2.72 acres of riparian vegetation comprised of screwbean mesquite, arrowweed, slat cedar, sandbar willow, and quail saltbrush and 1.75 acres of marsh as follows: a) to mitigate for the special and temporal loss of 2.72 acres of riparian vegetation the operator shall provide funding to the Department in the amount of $49,000.00 for the purchase and creation of 7 acres of offsite/in-kind compensation lands (2.5:1 replacement ratio) and $3,500.00 ($500.00 per acre) for enhancement and management of compensation lands; b) to mitigate for the spatial and temporal loss of 1.75 acres of marsh vegetation the operator shall provide funding to the Department in the amount of $35,000.00 for the purchase and creation of 3.5 acres of offsite/in-kind compensation lands (2:1 replacement ratio) and $1,750.00 ($500.00 per acre) for enhancement and management of compensation lands; and c) operator shall provide total compensation funding in the amount of $89,250.00, as per Conditions a and b above, prior to implementation of any project-related activities.
2 documents in project