SCH Number 2003042155

Project Info

Use Permit (UPA) 20-003 and Design Review (DR) 20-005 for Phase I of The Parcel
A Use Permit is required pursuant to MC Section 17.138.030.D because the applicant is requesting a 100% density bonus through the Town's Density Bonus Program to allow for a maximum of 580 units to be constructed across the site where 300 units is the maximum currently allowed by the RMF-1 zoning district standards. Approval I of the Use Permit is necessary for implementation of the Master Plan, and would require that all housing units within the development, with the exception of property manager's units, be deed-restricted affordable units for individuals and households working in the region.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Mammoth Lakes Use Permit (UPA) 20-003 and Design Review (DR) 20-005 for Phase I of The Parcel
City of Mammoth Lakes The Parcel
City of Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Lakes General Plan Update 2003
City of Mammoth Lakes Town of Mammoth Lakes General Plan Update
City of Mammoth Lakes Town of Mammoth Lakes General Plan Update
City of Mammoth Lakes Town of Mammoth Lakes General Plan Update
City of Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Lakes General Plan Update 2003