SCH Number 2003042081

Project Info

Calaveras County Water District (VMP) Vegetation Management Project
A fuel break designed to allow fire-fighting agencies the opportunity to protect the Arnold community. The proposed fuel break involves manually cutting small trees and brush, constructing handlines and slash piles, burning slash piles and conducting broadcast burning throughout portions of the CCWD property. This proposed fuel break is part of the CDF Fire Plan and Calaveras-Tuolumne Cooperative Fuel Break System. This VMP project has been designed to include standard best management practices and already incorporates all appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that any potential adverse environmental impacts are reduced to less than significant or totally avoided.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Calaveras County Water District (VMP) Vegetation Management Project
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Calaveras County Water District (VMP) Vegetation Management Project