SCH Number 2003041107
Project Info
- Title
- El Cuervo Norte Mitigation and Access Road
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2003-5201-R5 pursuant to Section 1601 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Michael Mezey, representing the City of San Diego. The applicant proposes to alter the streambed of Los Penasquitos Creek, tributary to Los Penasquitos Lagoon, tributary to the Pacific Ocean, to accommodate the El Cuervo Norte Mitigation Project. The project will implement wetland habitat restoration activities potentially resulting in the creation and enhancement of approximately 24.08 acres of wetland habitat. Wetlands created and enhanced at the El Cuervo Norte mitigation site would provide mitigation for impacts resulting from implementation of the State Route 56 Project, and several other City of San Diego projects. The mitigation project consists of clearing and grubbing of non-native vegetation, grading and filling, erosion control, irrigation system installation, plant and seed installation and maintenance. Several agricultural berms located throughout the site will also be breached. 1.25 acres of herbaceous wetland will be scraped and relocated on-site resulting in temporary impacts. A 50-foot upland buffer zone around the mitigation site is included in the mitigation plan. A new 3,150-foot long, 10-foot wide unpaved park access road is also to be constructed in association with the mitigation project. The park access road will traverse the northern edge of the project site in ruderal uplands and connects with an existing SDGE access road.
2 documents in project