SCH Number 2003041001

Project Info

1122 4th Avenue Project
Amendments to the General Plan/Downtown Community Plan and Centre City Planned District Ordinance for the removal of the Employment Overlay from the Project site and Centre City Development Permit/Site Development Permit/Centre City Planned Development Permit/Neighborhood Use Permit No. 2014-76 for the demolition of the existing historic CA Theatre building and construction of a mixed-use development comprised of a 40-story tower (approx. 422 feet tall) and podium located on a 25,000 sq. ft. site on the north side of C Street between Third and Fourth Avenues in the Civic/Core neighborhood of the Downtown Community Plan area. The Project is comprised of 282 dwelling units, approx. 11,000 sq. ft. of retail space, and 325 automobile parking spaces.
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