SCH Number 2003032102
Project Info
- Title
- Lake California at Taylor's Wash Bridge
- Description
- Tehama County Public Works proposes to replace bridge number 8C-0167 at Taylor's Wash on Lake California Drive. The existing structure does not meet current AASHTO standards for width and alignment. Bridge 8C-0167 is located approximately 0.5 miles south of the Tehama County line on Lake California Drive, near the I-5 corridor. Lake California Drive serves as the sole access for the Lake California subdivision, local ranches and farms, and will also service currently developing subdivisions to the south. The terrain is flat and is located at the base of foothills to the south and east. The area directly affected by the project is flood irrigated graded ranch land currently used for cattle grazing. The parcel directly affected by the project is not currently under the Williamson Act.
2 documents in project