SCH Number 2003031044

Project Info

Paramount Petroleum Refinery Clean Fuels Project
Paramount Petroleum Corporation (Paramount) is proposing modifications to the project analyzed in the Final EIR for the Clean Fuels Project. The Subsequent Negative Declaration evaluates the proposed project modifications, including rebuilding Heaters H-101/H-102 and installing a new selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system to control nitrogen oxide emissions from Heater H-101/102 and existing Heater H-501/502 at the Paramount Refinery. A new accumulator will be added to the No. 1 HDS Unit. Anhydrous ammonia used at the Refinery for pollution control will be phased out and aqueous ammonia will be used for the SCR operation. Based on the environmental analysis prepared for the currently proposed project modification, the SCAQMD has quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrated that the proposed project modification will not generate any significant adverse impacts and meets the qualifications for the preparation of a Subsequent Negative Declaration per the requirements of CEQA Guidelines §15162.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
South Coast Air Quality Management District Paramount Petroleum Refinery Clean Fuels Project
South Coast Air Quality Management District Paramount Clean Fuels Project
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